Wednesday March 11, 2015  
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The NAADPC will convene its Sixth National African American Drug Policy Summit APRIL  2015 to be announced.


















Welcome To The NAADPC-GLA

The National African American Drug Policy Coalition Greater Los Angeles Chapter is an extension of the NAADPC National Headquarters that forms a unique collaborative initiative that address the problem of drug abuse and health care disparity in the African American community with each member organization contributing distinct intellectual content, practices and procedures for eradicating the deleterious societal effects of drug abuse which we feel is a public health crisis.

Further, coalition members, by and through their respective missions, share a common desire for the implementation of policies and practices related to drug abuse and our Public Health.

The NAADPC – Greater Los Angeles Chapter would appreciate inquiries on how individuals can support the work of the Chapter and would welcome any volunteers who wish to join in this most valuable endeavor to improve the lives of those most vulnerable in our community.

Disparity In Health Care

California 3-Strikes Law 


Coalition Logo

For additional information concerning the NAADPC – Greater Los Angeles Chapter and its future programs and activities, contact Michael Guynn, MA at (323) 972-4374 or Dr. Ronald Beavers at (213) 300-9183

Senior Judge Arthur L. Burnett, Sr. at the national organization’s headquarters at Howard University School of Law at 202-806-8622 or 806-8623.