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Nat'l African American Drug Policy Coalition-

Greater Los Angeles Chapter




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NATIONAL CONFERENCE from March 24-26, 2010

Updated Version as of   2:00 p.m. on March 6, 2010 with notations on remaining items.




MARCH 24-26, 2010





8:00 a.m.    8:30 a.m.             Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.                Opening Plenary Session              

          Welcoming Remarks:    Dean Kurt L. Schmoke,
          Howard University School of Law, President,
          National African American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc.
          and Chairman, Board of Directors

          Theme and Format of the Summit Conference and
Administrative Announcements – Senior Judge Arthur L.    Burnett, Sr., Vice-President of Administration and National
Executive Director, National African American Drug
Policy Coalition, Inc.


9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.  

       Future Policy Direction of the Office of National Drug Control
       Policy in the Obama Administration -  Edward H. Jurith,  
       General Counsel, Office of National Drug Policy Control
        Invited – Approval Pending.

9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
       State Legislators’ Perspective on Drug Law Policies – Trends and Changes.    State Senator Constance Johnson, Oklahoma State Senate.

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 

Future of Drug Courts in America – Where Do We Need to Go to     Achieve Maximum Effectiveness for the Largest Number of Persons Who are Alcohol and Drug Dependent?  How Do We Assure They Are Culturally Sensitive and Responsive to the Needs of All Racial, Ethnic and other Minority Groups in Our Society?
          Honorable Martha Lynn Sherrod, District Judge, Madison County, Alabama -  Moderator    [100 North Side Square, Huntsville, Alabama  (256) 532-6990 -   e-mail –]    Confirmed.
          Dr.  Douglas Marlowe, Ph.D., Chief of Science, Law and Policy, National Association of Drug Court Professionals  -  What is the Goal of NADCP as to Increase in Number of Drug Courts and Their Effectiveness?     [4900 Seminary Road, Suite 320, Alexandria, Virginia 22311 -  (703) 575-9400 Ext. 13 – e-mail –]   Confirmed.

          Deborah Peterson Small, President, Break the Chains, New York, New York – How Do We Address the Needs of African American Women?    [295 Lafayette Street, Suite 501, New York, New York 10012   - (212) 920-3667    e-mail –]  Confirmed.

          Darryl Turpin, President of Thurgood Marshall Action Coalition - What Should Be a Model Drug Treatment Program for African American Males and Females?  [Post Office Box 24804, Louisville, Kentucky 40224  - (502) 558-1224  -  e-mail –].   Confirmed.

          Gina Lathan Whitener, Public Policy Chair, National Black Alcoholism & Addictions Council, Inc., Candidate for Ph.D.  – What is Needed to Expand Drug Treatment for Alcoholism and Illegal Drug Dependency.   [2508 Covington Drive, Champaign, Illinois 61822  (217) 553-3148  E-mail:   or ]

Angelyn C. Frazer, State Legislative Affairs Director, Nationa Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.   “Deficiencies Criminal Defense Lawyers See in Drug Courts and Community Oriented Courts”
[1660 L Street, N.W. 12th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 872-8600  Ext. 242   FAX: (202) 872-8690   e-mail: ]    See also    Added 3-3-2010

11:30 a.m.  -  12:00  Noon

          Urgent Need for Congress to Resolve the Crack Cocaine verses Powder Cocaine Disparity -   Should Change in the Law Be Retroactive, and If Congress Fails to Address the Issue, What Action Should the United States Sentencing Commission  Take?

          Speaker: Nkechi Taifa, Senior Policy Analyst, Open Society Institute [1120 19th Street, N.W., 8th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20036  (202) 721-5600  e-mail:     Confirmed.


12:00 Noon –   2:00 p. m.

                   Senior Judge Arthur L. Burnett, Sr., National Executive Director, National African American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc.  - Moderator

          Luncheon Program:

12:40 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.   Dr. H. Westley Clark, M.D., M.P.H., J.D., Director, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services  -  Keynote Speaker:  “Future Directions of SAMHSA in Promoting Treatment for Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders, With Special Emphasis on the Re-entry Population.”  [ 1 Choke Cherry Road, Rockville, Maryland 20857   -  (240) 276-1660  -  E-mail:  westley.clark@samhsa.hhs.govConfirmed.

          1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.    Speaker:  Gina E. Wood, Director of Policy and Planning, Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies, Washington, D.C. -  “Recommendations of the Dellum’s Commission of the Joint Center on Political & Economic Studies on Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues for Boys of Color in America – Future Collaboration Between the Joint Center and the National African American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc. to Implement these Recommendations.”     [1090 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Suite 1100, Washington, D.C. 20005-4928   (202) 789-3500  FAX: (202) 789-8385   E-mail: gwood@jointcenter.orgConfirmed.  3-2-10

2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Plenary Session II -  Establishing a System of Veterans Drug Courts – What is the Need and How Will They Operate?  Should We Have Veterans Drug Courts in the U.S. District Courts or Leave the Development to the State Courts?   How Can They Address Effectively Co-Occurring Disorders of Substance Abuse, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders or Other Mental and Emotional Problems Resulting from Combat Military and Other Duties?

          Dr. Julius Debro, PhD, Criminologist and Member of Blue Ribbon Commission of NAADPC, Inc.  – Moderator  [President, JDAssociates (JDA), 11531 36th Avenue, N.E., Seattle, Washington 98125   (206) 364-1758     e-mail –]   - Moderator  - Confirmed.

          Stephen T. Redmon, Esq., Special Assistant to the General Counsel, Office of the General Counsel, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, D.C.    E-mail: )  Confirmed.
          Honorable Robert T. Russell, Jr., Judge, City Court of Buffalo, New York – Founder of First Veterans Drug Court in the United States – How It was Started and How it Operates, the Number of Such Courts Today, and Congressional Interest and Potential Action [Buffalo Veterans Treatment Court, 50 Delaware Avenue, Suite 250, Buffalo, New York 14202  (716) 845-2623   e-mail – ] Confirmed.

          Dr. Bradley E. Karlin, Ph.D., Associate Chief Consultant for Psychotherapy and  Psychogeriatrics, Office of Mental Health Services, VA Central Office, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. [Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20420   - 202-461-7304  FAX: (202) 273-9069  E-mail].    Confirmed 

          Sean Clark, National Coordinator, Veterans Justice Outreach, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.  [245 15th Street, S.E. #201, Washington, D.C. 20003 (202) 461-7311   E-mail: ]   Confirmed.

          Dr.  Averette Mhoon Parker, President/CEO, Access to Racial and Cultural Health Institute, Inc., Washington, D.C.  – Dealing with the Mental Health Issues of Returning Veterans. (a)  [President/CEO, Access to Racial and Cultural Health Institute, Inc., 3645 Veazey Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 202-362-4550   e-mail – ].  Confirmed

          Joe Wynn, President/CEO,  Veterans Enterprise Training & Service Group, Inc. – the problems he sees daily in his work with veterans returning to the District of Columbia.  [1200 18th Street,  N.W., Suite LL100,  Washington, D.C. 20036  (202) 822-0011  Cell (202) 365-0482 – e-mail JoeWynn.Nabvets@verizon.netConfirmed.

3:45 p.m. -  4:00 p.m.  Break

4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 

Plenary Session III –  Re-entry – How Do We Put Teeth in the Second Chance Act, Prevent Recidivism, Provide Jobs for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals, to Formerly Drug-Addicted Individuals and Provide Jobs for All of the Unemployed in Our Population?

          Senior Judge Arthur L. Burnett, Sr. National Executive Director, National African American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc. – Moderator

          Portia Roberson,  U.S. Department of Justice  [(202) 305-0139- 930 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite  Washington, D.C. 20530 – e-mail:]   Confirmation Pending.  Either she or another high ranking Department of Justice official will appear to talk about the Department’s policies on criminal justice and juvenile justice matters on prosecutorial policies to eliminate disparate treatment on basis of race, ethnic origin or other category and on sentencing philsosphy and on re-entry solutions.

          Reverend Marcus W. Harvey, President/CEO, Strength Incorporated, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  [Post Office Box 8816, 7601 Wood Street, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania 15221  (412) 244-0329   E-mail: ]  Confirmed.

          W. O. “Walt” Weatherington, Employment and Training Administration, U. S. Department of Labor [[Director (WIDS, COOP, S&H), Employment and Training Administration – (202) 693-3676  Cell – (301) 385-2242  e-mail: ]   Confirmed.

          Scott Bernard Peterson, Director, Criminal Justice Program and Policy,  YouthBuild America   [58 Day Street, Somerville, Massachusetts 02144  (617) 741-1259  -  e-mail: ].   Confirmed.


          6:15 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.   Initial Advisory Board of Directors’ Meeting and Dinner - 

Major Issues Facing the National African American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc.  on Membership, Funding and Future Operations. 
(Limited to Advisory Board Members and Officers of NAADPC and Staff Assistants - 30-35 people – List to be Provided to Conference Planners Wednesday, March 6, 2010).



8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.    Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.   Plenary Session IV

          Speaker: Congressman Robert “Bobby” Scott,  The YOUTH PROMISE Act, What It Means and What It Can Achieve If Faithfully Implemented.   Invited.   (Affirmatively being considered depending on House of Representatives Schedule and when Call for Voting on Bills occur).

9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.  Honorable Will A. Gunn, General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs – Speaker:  “Policies of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Treating Veterans for Substance Abuse Problems and Co-Occurring Mental Illness and the Need for Veterans Drug Courts.”

9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

          Panel:  Perfecting Our Juvenile Justice System – the Need for More and Better Prevention, Intervention and Diversion Programs for First-Time Non-Violent Offenders and Implementing More Creative Approaches for Detained Juvenile Offenders.

          Moderator:  Carolyn Dallas, Executive Director, Time Dollar Youth Court Diversion Program, Washington, D.C.  [D.C. Superior Court, 409 E Street, N.W., Suite #303 Washington, D.C. 20001  (202) 508-1705  Cell: (202) 361-4957  e-mail: or  ]  Confirmed.

          Honorable David Perkins, Referee, Juvenile Court, 3rd Circuit Court, Family Division, Juvenile Section, Wayne County Juvenile Detention Center, Detroit, Michigan and Chair, Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice, American Bar Association. [1326 St. Antoine Street, Detroit, Michigan 48226  (313) 833-2910 or (313) 283-1117  E-mail:  or dperks@mac.comConfirmed.


          Dr. Edgar Cahn, Professor of Law,  University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law, Washington, D.C. - Challenging Government Agencies to Use Alternatives to Detention or Face Class Action Suits to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Bias. [Law School Address the same as for Professor Joseph B. Tulman below except for Room Number and telephone number.   He has been asked to provided his specific information for mail correspondence and contact. 
e-mail: ].   Confirmed.

          Cynthia Robbins, Esq. – the Legal Grounds being Established to Compel Government Entities to Utilize Alternatives to Detention and
Resolve Disproportionate Minority Confinement.  [Contact information – (202) 248-8484 and (646) 772-0736   E-mail: ]  Mailing Address and other information has been requested.  Confirmed.

          Joseph B. Tulman,  Professor of Law and Clinical Director, University of the District of Columbia,  David A. Clarke School of Law -   Best Practices in Dealing with Juvenile Offenders.  [4200 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Building 38, Room 207, Washington, D.C. 20008.   (202) 274-7317  FAX: (202) 274-5583  E-mail: ]  Confirmed.

          David Muhammad, Chief of Committed Services, D.C. Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services. [450 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001  (202) 727-0772   E-mail: ]  Confirmed.

          Jo-Ann Wallace, President/Chief Executive Officer, National Legal Aid & Defender Association – Duty of Lawyers to Explore Diversion Options Before Taking A Juvenile Case to Trial and Effective Representation in Trials. [1140 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 900, Washington, D.C. 20036-4019  (202) 452-0620 Ext. 206  E-mail: j.wallace@nlada.orgConfirmed.

11:00 a.m – 11:15 a.m.   Break



11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.     Three (3) Concurrent Workshops

Workshop I

Combating Truancy and School Drop Outs as Part of Prevention of
Juvenile Delinquency and Crime.

          Honorable Arthur L. Burnett, Sr., National Executive Director,
National African American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc. – Moderator


          Colonel Norman N. Johnson, Director, IDEA Public Charter School, Washington, D.C.  [1027 45th Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20019   (202) 399-4750  FAX: (202) 399-4987  E-mail: director@ideapcs.orgConfirmed.

          Dr. Lucretia Murphy, Esq., Ph.D., Executive Director, See Forever Foundation,  Washington, D.C. [1436 U Street, N.W., Suite #203, Washington, D.C. 20009  (202) 797-8250 or 202-797-8284 E-mail: ]   Confirmed.

          George L. Garrow, Jr., Esq., Executive Director, National Organization of Concerned Black Men, Inc., Washington, D.C.   [The  Thurgood Marshall Center, 1816 12th Street, N.W., Suite 204, Washington, D.C. 20009  (202) 467-5557 or  (202) 783-6119  E-mail: ]   Confirmed.

          Reverend Lennox Yearwood Jr., President & CEO, Hip Hop Caucus Education Fund, Washington, D.C.  – How Hip Hop Can Be Used to Reduce Truancy and Youth Dropping Out of School  [1112 16th Street, N.W., Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20036  (202) 787-5256   Cell (202) 375-3913  E-mail: ]   Confirmed.

          Major General (Retired) John R. Hawkins, III, M.P.A., J.D.,
President/CEO,  Hawkins Solutions Intl., LLC – Using Retired Military Officers and Personnel as Counselor/Mentors for Teenage Youth.
[2123 Apple Tree Lane, Silver Spring, Maryland 20905-4414 – 301-466-4619 – Cell – 571-243-4818].  Confirmed.


Workshop II

Extricating Youth from Youth Gangs – How Can This Be Accomplished
As Part of Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, Youth Violence and Crime?

          Reverend Dr. Stephen E. Tucker, Senior Pastor, New Commandment Baptist Church and Project Coordinator, Ward 1, Drug
Free Community Grant, Washington, D.C.   - Moderator
[633 Park Road, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20010  (202) 726-7400  and (410) 570-4082)  E-mail:  and ]

          Cecilia Thomas,  Supervisory Youth Outreach Coordinator, Roving Leader Program for Teens, D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation. [1800 Anacostia Drive, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20020  – (202) 698-2250  Cell: (202) 997-4772   E-mail:  ]   Confirmed.  

          Tyrone Parker, Executive Director, Alliance of Concerned Men, Washington, D.C.   [Contact information: (202) 645-5098  E-mail - -  Mailing address and confirmation of telephone contact requested]   Confirmed.

          Reverend Billy H. Stanfield, Jr., Executive Director, New Vision Youth Services, Baltimore, Maryland.   [ 1600 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland  21202  (410) 244-5700  FAX: (410) 244-5702   - –]   Confirmed

          Kenneth E. Barnes, Sr. Founder/CEO, Reaching Out to Others Together (Root), Inc., Washington, D.C.   [2905 11th Street, Suite 207, Washington, D.C. 20001  (866) 570 ROOT or (202) 332-ROOT – e-mail: ]  Confirmed

          Mannone Butler, Esq., Staff Attorney, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, District of Columbia   [One Judiciary Center, 441 4th Street, N.W., Room 727N, Washington, D.C. 20001  (202) 442-9283  FAX: (202) 724-3691   E-mail: ]  


Workshop III

Developing Responsible Fatherhood Programs to Prevent Juvenile
Delinquency and Crime – Engaging Ex-Offender Fathers as Responsible Fathers, Preventing Juvenile Offenses and Preventing Recidivism by Fathers.

          Moderator – Franklyn M. Malone, President/CEO, The 100 Fathers, Inc. [2300 Monroe Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20018  (202) 361-0761   E-mail:  or ]   Confirmed.

          Councilman Harry Thomas, City Council of the District of Columbia. [1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 107, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004   (202) 724-8028   FAX: (202) 724-8076  E-mail: ]   Confirmed.

          Honorable Diana Harris Epps, Magistrate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia.  – The Concept and Philosophy Behind the Fathering Court.    [500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., room 4450    (202) 879-1779   FAX:  (202) 879-1581   E-mail:   Diana.epps@dcsc.govConfirmed.

          Honorable Milton C. Lee, Jr., Magistrate Judge and Associate Judge Designee, Superior Court of the District of Columbia – The Functioning of the Fathering Court in the District of Columbia.  [Superior Court of the District of Columbia, 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Room 4450  (202) 879-4793 FAX: (202) 879-8343  E-mail: ]   Confirmed. 

          Mr. Thabiti Boone, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and its National Program.  Working with Parents with Child Support obligations, incarcerated parents with children, and involving them in lives of their children upon return to the community to prevent their children from following in their footsteps and giving parents incentive not to commit new crimes.  [Contact – E-mail:     He has been asked to provide his mailing address and telephone contact information]


12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 

          Senior Judge Arthur L. Burnett, Sr., Luncheon Convener and
Moderator.  Confirmed.

Luncheon with Speaker.         Judge Eileen Anita Olds, 1st Judicial District, Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court and Immediate Past President, American Judges Association -   “A Model Truancy Court as a Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program -   Its Promises for the Future with Adequate Funding and Resources.”
[301 Albemarle Drive, Chesapeake, Virginia 23322-4401 (757) 382-8100  Fax:  (757)  382-8152].   Confirmed.


2:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.   -  Three Concurrent Workshops.

Workshop IV

The Role of Clergy and the African-American Church in Working with  Alcohol and Drug Dependent Persons and Ex-Offenders Returning to the Community from Incarceration

          Dr. Bettye Davis-Lewis, Ed.D., RN, Past President, National Black Nurses Association, Inc.   Moderator   [4811 Jackson Street, Houston, Texas 77004  (713) 526-3482   FAX: (713) 526-2058  E-mail: ]

          Joshua DuBois, Executive Director, White House Office on Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.  Opening Statement on Policies of the Current White House.    Invited.

          Reverend Dr. Kwame O. Reed, United Church of Christ – [475 Elden Street, Suite 109, Herndon, Virginia (703) 328-4132  FAX: (703) 435-1700    E-mail: ]   Confirmed.
          Michael Cortese, President/CEO, Gospel Rescue Ministries, Washington, D.C.  [810 5th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001  (202) 842-1731   FAX: 202-898-0285   - E-mail sent to Reverend Marjorie Brown who facilitates meetings at the Gospel Rescue Ministries to act as intermediary with Mr. Michael Cortese – E-mail: Drmarjoriejsb@aol.comConfirmed.

          Nannie L. Johnson, MHS, Assistant Director, CATAADA  House, Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church, Washington, D.C.  [802 Rhode Island Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002   (202) 832-8336   FAX: (202) 832-4759   e-mail: ]   Confirmed.

          Reverend Dr. Harold Dean Trulear, Professor, Howard University School of Divinity, Washington, D.C.  [Cell -610-804-4687  - Office – (202) 806-0640   or]   Confirmed     [He has been asked to provide his mailing address]


Workshop V

How Churches and Community Organizations Can Develop Effective Social Action Programs for Youth as a Means of Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, Underage Drinking, Usage of Illegal Drugs, and Other Unlawful Conduct

          Dr. Johnnie Dumas Myers, President, National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Substance Abuse Consortium, Inc., Savannah, Georgia [Post Office Box 5428, Savannah, Georgia 31414-5428  E-mail: ]  Moderator   Confirmed.

          Marsha Middleton, Consultant, Formerly APRA Supervisor
[  - She has been asked to provide a mailing address and telephone number for our future use.]   Confirmed.

          Reverend Anne Troy, Shaw Community Ministry Programs
United Church of Christ  [ 1718 7th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001  (202) 232-1258   FAX: (202) 232-8309   E-mail:    Confirmed.

          Nadine J. Parker, Director, National Capital Coalition to Prevent Underage Drinking, Washington, D.C.   [ 1875 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.  20009 (202) 939-5412 Cell: (202) 903-8993  E-mail:  ].   Confirmed.


Workshop VI

Developing Re-entry Programs Which Will Prevent Recidivism By Formerly Incarcerated  Individuals

          Rodney C. Mitchell, Esq., Re-entry Legal Services, PLLC – Moderator  -  [914 Delafield Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20011   (202) 829-3832  E-mail: rmitchell@reentrylegalservices.comConfirmed.

          Herman Odom, Acting Director,  Office on Ex-Offender Affairs, Executive Office of the Mayor,  District of Columbia    [2100 Martin Luther King Jr., Avenue, S.E., Suite 301, Washington, D.C. 20020 202) 715-7673   Cell: 202) 297-5673  FAX: (202) 715-7672    E-mail: ]   Confirmed.

          Jane Browning, Executive Director, International Community Corrections Association, Washington, D.C.  [8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite #402, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910   (301) 585-6090 FAX:  (301) 585-6094   E-mail: jbrowning@iccaweb.orgConfirmed.

          Tambra Stevenson, M.P.H., President/CEO, Creative Cause, Inc., and Vice President of Metropolitan Washington Public Health Association -  “Working with Returning Women and their Public Health Issues and Re-integrating them Back into the Community.”
[2609 Douglas Road, S.E. Apt. #302, Washington, D.C. 20020  and Post Office Box 820, Washington, D.C. 20044   Mobile: (202) 236-0371  E-mail:]   Confirmed.

          Gennine Hagar, Chief U.S. Probation Officer for Re-entry in U.S.
District Court for the District of Columbia. [333 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Suite 2700, E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse, Washington, D.C. 20001  (202) 565-1336   E-mail:  or ]  Confirmed

          Juan Martin Romauldez, Workforce Development Coordinator, U.S. Probation Officer, United States District Court for the District of Columbia.    [He can be reached through Gennine A. Hagar above but we will ask for his specific mailing address and telephone number in addition]  Confirmed.


7:00 p.m.  -  11:00 p.m.   Gala Dinner Banquet

          Music and Entertainment

          EMCEE  -   Dr. Ura Jean Bailey

          Recognition of Guests

          Awards Ceremony -  Civil Rights Award to Congressman
                                            Patrick J. Kennedy   - Invitation Pending

                                            Outstanding Leadership Award on
                                            Criminal Justice Issues – to Congresswoman
                                            Sheila Jackson Lee

                                            Outstanding Leadership Award on
                                            Drug Law Policy – to Congressman
                                            Elijah E. Cummings  - Invitation Pending

                                            Outstanding Leadership Award on
                                            Second Chances for Past Offenders –
                                            To Congressman Danny K. Davis
                                             -  Invitation Pending



FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2010


8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.           Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m.  -  10:00 a.m.        Plenary Session V

8:30 a.m. -  9:00 a.m.

          Speaker:  Honorable Ronald Ashford, Senior Official, U.S. Department of Housing and Development.    – Providing Affordable Housing for Individuals with Histories of Substance Abuse and Criminal Records.  

9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.   Congressman Danny K. Davis  - What He Would Like to See Accomplished Under the Second Chance Act.   Confirmed.


9:30 a.m – 10:30 a.m.

          Panel:  How Do We Develop Pragmatic Solutions for Housing
For  Past Alcohol or Drug Addicted Individuals Who Have Recovered and for Persons Returning to the Community from Incarceration?

          Frank Lancaster, Commissioner, District of Columbia Housing Authority; President, Washington Healthcare Empowerment Coalition, Inc.  [1133 North Capital Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002-7594   (202) 535-2671   Cell: (202) 528-6008   Fax: (202) 535-2431 E-mail: ] Confirmed.   

          Stephen L. Williams, M.Ed, M.P.A., Director, City of Houston, Department of Health & Human Services, Houston, Texas [ 800 North Stadium Drive, Houston, Texas 77054   (713) 794-9320   or (713) 794-9311  Fax:  (713) 798-0862   E-mail: ]

          Kevin Marchman, Chair, National Organization of African Americans in Housing, Washington, D.C.   [ 888 16th Street, N.W., Suite 713, Washington, D.C. 20006  (202) 409-8380   FAX; (301) 595-0878 E-mail:   or KevinMarchman@Noaah.orgConfirmed.

          Floyd May, Managing Director,  National Organization of African Americans in Housing, Washington, D.C.  [888 16th Street, N.W., Suite 713, Washington, D.C. 20006  (202) 409-8380  Fax: (301) 595-0878  E-mail: ].   Confirmed.  

          Andy McMahon, Corporation for Supportive Housing, Minneapolis, Minnesota.  [2801 21st Avenue South, Suite @230, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407.  (612) 721-3700  Ext. 120.  Cell: (612) 619-0538   E-mail: ]  Confirmed.

          Sharon M. Pitts, Deputy Assistant General Counsel for Assisted Housing, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C.  [ 202) 402-5268   E-mail:
Has been asked to submit mailing address and any other contact information. ]   Confirmed.

10:30 a.m. -  10:50 a.m.   

          Putting the Real Face on Recovery – The Story Which Must Be Told  – The Need to Change the Culture and Attitude of America.

          An Interview With A Poster Model for Recovery

          Senior Judge Arthur L. Burnett, Sr., National Executive Director,
          National African American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc.
          Ms. Jacqueline Graham, B.S., M.S., M.B.A.  [ 413 McCoy Road, McKee’s Rock’s, Pennsylvania 15136 (412) 875-6537  E-mail: ]        Confirmed


11:a.m. – 12:15 p.m.    Three Concurrent Workshops



Workshop No. VII

How Should We Respond to the Trend in the States to Approve the Use of Medical Marijuana?   Should Federal Law be Amended to Provide for Medical Use or Abstention from Federal Criminal Prosecution?  What Controls Must Be Established to Prevent Abuses and Widespread Usage Without Genuine Medical Need?   Should a First-Time Marihuana Possession Offense of a Small Quantity for Personal Use Be Treated as a Civil Infraction?

          Clarence Edwards, Past President, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives  - Moderator
 [   or – he has been asked for mail address he wants papers sent for the conference.]       Confirmed.

          Jasmine L. Tyler, Deputy Director of National Affairs, Drug Policy Alliance   [925 15th Street, N.W., 2nd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005    (202) 216-0035 or 216-0803 –]  Confirmed.

          Ronald E. Stalling, Judge Advocate, National Black Police Association, Inc.  -  [13765 Triadelphia Mill Road,  Clarksville, Maryland 21029   (301) 854-1683   E-mail: ]  Confirmed.

          Deborah Peterson Small, Esq., Executive Director, Break the Chains, New York, New York – The Economic Harm Caused by Misdemeanor Arrests for Marihuana, Profiling and Law Enforcement Abuses Verses The Dangers of Marihuana Usage   [295 Lafayette Street, Suite 501, New York, New York  10012  (212) 920-3667]  Confirmed.

          Dr. Winston Price, Past President, National Medical Association as to a medical view on these issues.  [155 East 37th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11203-2806  - (718) 953-8723].  Confirmed.

          Gerald D. Chapman, Founder of National Organization of Black Narcotics Agents [13507 Martha Jefferson Place, Herndon, Virginia 20171   (703)-6183    g.chapman838@gmail.comConfirmed.



Workshop No. VIII

Pharmacological Therapies for Opiate Addictions – Methadone, Buprenorphine and Heroin Maintenance Clinics.

          Marshella Toldson, Esq., Staff Attorney, Center for Drug Abuse Research, Howard University – Moderator.   Confirmed.

          Bill Piper, Director, Office of National Affairs, Drug Policy Alliance Network, Washington, D.C.   [925 15th Street, N.W. 2nd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005   (202) 683-2981   - e-mail:  or billjpiper@gmail.comConfirmed.

          Major Stanford “Neill” Franklin, Retired, Bureau of Drug and Criminal Enforcement, Maryland State Police, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition,   [ 121 Mystic Avenue, Medford, Massachusetts 02155  (443) 286-6737   E-mail - ]   Confirmed.

          Dr. Donna D. Bellamy, Pharm. D., Secretary, Association of Black Health-Systems Pharmacists, Macon, Georgia.  [ Clinical Pharmacist of medical Center of Central Georgia, Macon, Ga.  478-633-1440  Cell  - 478-960-8679   e-mail:   or]  [Mailing Address Requested]  Confirmed.

          Matthew  Fogg, Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal (Retired), Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Speaker, Executive Director, CARCLE  240-375-3580 Cell.    E-mail:  - He is being asked to supply a mailing address]   Confirmed.

Workshop No. IX

What Pharmacological Therapies Exist for Cocaine Addiction – Is Ibogaine a Possible Answer?   Are There Any Reliable Medicines Being Used in Foreign Countries?   Is There an Effective Vaccine to Reduce the Craving for Cocaine?

          Sam E. Hutchinson, National Deputy Executive Director, National African  American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc.   – Moderator -  Confirmed

          Dana Beal, Cures-Not-Wars, New York, New York [9 Bleechers Street, New York, New York 10012  (212) 477-4999  E-mail:  or ] Confirmed.

          Dr. Carl L. Hart, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, New York.  [ (212) 854-5313  E-mail: -  He has been asked to provide specific mailing address and confirm telephone number.]   Confirmed.   

          Eric E. Sterling, President, The Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, Silver Spring, Maryland  [8730 Georgia Avenue, Suite #400, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910-3649  (301) 589-6020  Cell – (202) 365-2420   FAX: (301) 589-5056   E-mail: ]  

          Brian Vastag, Science Journalist, Washington, D.C.   
[ 850 Quincy Street, N.W., #306, Washington, D.C. 20011  Cell:   (202) 236-0979 E-mail:  – ]   Confirmed.

12:15 p.m – 12:45 p.m.

Plenary Session VI – Closing Session

          Speaker -    Ms. Roslyn Brock,  Chairman, NAACP Board of Directors.  

          “Developing A Working Partnership Between NAACP and the
NAADPC for Improving the Criminal Justice System and Removing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Application of the Laws to All Americans.”

    Invitation under Active Consideration.

12:45 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

          Senior Judge Arthur L. Burnett, Sr.   -  Closing Remarks

          Dr. Ura Jean Bailey  -  Closing Remarks.